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Showing posts from February, 2025

The Pyramid of DF/IR Expertise

The Pyramid of DF/IR Expertise "First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do." -Epictetus I woke up one day and realized I’m an Executive at a Nationwide Digital Forensic & E-Discovery professional services firm.   How did that happen?   I also woke up one day and realized I have 25 years in the justice system.   If I’d stayed in law enforcement, I could retire this year.   All of these things are simultaneously shocking and sobering.   They cause one to really reflect on the steps that it took to get them to where they have arrived.   It also causes one to take inventor of all of the opportunities, successes, mistakes, failures, training, experience, case work and daily practice – both mental and practical – that go into building a body of work.   It also makes one feel old all of a sudden, but “old(er)” doesn’t have to equal bad, as I’ve come to learn. But how does one get to this point?   As many of my colleagues...